Monday, June 15, 2009

Spring Cleaning and Gardening

We had a busy and productive weekend. We power washed our house and cleaned the gutters; it was a tough, wet and fun job. We also finished planting our tomato and habanero plants inside the garden box that Cameron built from plywood. We have so many trees in our property that it was hard to find the perfect spot for the garden box. Hopefully as the sun shifts, we’ll be able to move the plants so that they can get enough sun.

This is our backyard...yes, there’s someone in the hammock:
It looks VERY different than it did back in January:

After all the hard work, Cameron decides to take a small break:

Atenas thinks sun bathing is also a good idea:

Here are our flowers that demand more sun light: dianthus, begonias, marigolds, petunias and wildflowers (around the rock, under the mulch).
We are also trying to grow basil and chile piquin:

Our garden box with the tomato and habanero plants:

During John and Nancy’s visit, they bought us flower boxes and some impatiens. Nancy and I planted them and they look really nice; they add a little color to the front of the house. We went with impatiens because they don’t need much sun.

More begonias in the flower bed in front of the house:

And impatiens and some wild flowers:
And of course, our “family picture”:

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