Sunday, August 29, 2010

Five Minutes with Daddy

We are blessed that Cameron can come home for lunch every day. He usually just eats and heads out to work almost immediately. Last Friday he was able to spend five minutes with Emma on the couch (I was cleaning the kitchen).

Trying Cantaloupe

Emma has been more interested in food and hopefully she'll be a good eater. Here she is trying cantaloupe.

Bouncer Toy

Once again we have been blessed with Joy's generosity (she's Cameron's co-worker). Joy surprised us by giving Emma this bouncer and she's enjoying it ever since!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Socks and Toes

Grammy Douglas gave Emma these cute, adorable and fun socks.

Here are her toes and chubby feet:

Being Outside

We take every opportunity to be outside. I cannot stress enough how much Emma enjoys being outdoors with nature. Whenever she is fussy, all we need to do is take her outside and she calms down and enjoys nature.

Emma and Atenas:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fresh Habaneros

Cameron brought some habaneros home from our garden. Some of them are really big. We shared one yesterday and it was very tasty and extremely hot.

Friday, August 20, 2010

She found a Hat

Emma found a hat to wear during our outings.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Five Months Old

Five Months - Stronger Grip

At five months old, Emma has a stronger grip. Here she is holding Daddy's finger.
At two days old her fingers were wrinkled and skinny:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Old North Bridge

Once again we visited the Old North Bridge; we are so grateful to live so close to such a historic place. There were a lot of tourists, some of them were just looking around and snapping pictures and others were canoeing down the Concord River. Of course we were among those taking pictures.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Our Family

I hope we can take more family portraits more often. These pictures were taken really quick and we are missing one member of our family - Atenas.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy in Green

Cameron was making Emma laugh so hard and of course she was enjoying the attention.

This picture pretty much shows Emma's reaction when her dad is around, she's extremely happy:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Peach Anyone?

Atenas misses being the center of attention but fortunately Cameron still spoils her once in a while. Last night we were hanging out in our backyard waiting for dinner to be ready. Taking advantage that it was a lovely evening with no mosquitoes, Cameron, Emma and Atenas were enjoying the hammock.
Emma was just staring at the trees; she LOVES being outside.
She looks so serious. Maybe she just wanted to enjoy the evening without being disturbed with pictures:
Cameron wanted a snack before dinner so I brought out some peaches from our local farmer. The peaches are so juicy and sweet; Cameron couldn't resist the temptation of sharing it with Emma. She seemed to enjoy the taste and was sucking on the peach but for now she's still just a breastfed baby.

Getting Redy For Bed

We try to keep the same routine when putting Emma to bed and so far it is working. She goes to bed at 9 PM and wakes up after 6 AM.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Before a Run

Cameron decided to take advantage of the cool summer weather to go for a run in the evening. We were all hanging out outside and before he left, Cameron was reviewing our finances and showing Emma the reconciliation process. One of our large expenses: diapers.

I'm not sure if Emma was very interested in learning about our finances: