Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Since we are moving, we didn’t put up a Christmas tree. We had to improvise so I put lights around our “mother-in-law plant” and it came out looking pretty good.

My parents and brothers came to visit us for Christmas. We had a great Christmas Eve dinner that consisted of turkey, breadless stuffing, pierna de puerco en chile colorado, and bacalao. Everything was delicious!

Christmas morning Cameron was anxious to open presents. We had a great time! Here are a few pictures of some of our gifts.

Job gave Jorge a Simpson's Duff Beer baseball hat:

Cameron and I gave Job and Obama action figure. The box says "Barack Obama an action figure we can believe in". We wanted to get him a McCain one but couldn't find one:

Cameron gave me this as a Christmas gift (deer hunted last month):

This was his gift from me:

1 comment:

Mom/Nancy/Granny/Mei Mei said...

Great pics and update. Not sure about your gift Caroline---I'd exchange that one. Great seeing the family. Happy New Year to all and see you soon C&C!