Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shooting Range

Our friends Brian and Amanda invited us to the shooting range on Saturday. I never thought I would say this but I LOVE shooting! A year ago I wouldn’t even touch a gun and now I’m hitting the targets every time I shoot! I owe this to my wonderful husband who introduced me to guns.
We had a great time!

Cameron and Brian getting the ammunition ready:

Don't forget those ear plugs!:

Brian giving instructions to his sister Meagan on how to shoot the Taurus .357 (Safety First):

Amanda shooting the Taurus .357:

Caro shooting the Taurus .357 (it is a beautiful gun):

Cameron shooting the Glock 9mm:

The first time I shot the Glock 9mm was in November of last year. The gun has a powerful kick and I felt very uncomfortable and scared shooting it. I shot it for the second time on Saturday and I love it (I guess I’m more familiar with the guns and now I feel comfortable shooting them). I shot it five times and all of the shots hit the target; two of them were very close to the center. I couldn’t believe it!

I was so excited that I had to take a picture of the target:

Brian and Cameron getting ready to shoot Brian's AR-15 (this is a great gun for shooting hogs):

Brian taking aim with the AR-15:

Meagan trying her hand at the AR-15

And Caro's turn:

And Cam:

Who's angels (Meagan, Caro, and Amanda)?

1 comment:

job david said...

nomas no se te vaia a salir una bala porque tons si se arma y gacho