Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cooking and Baking for Cameron

Time has gone by so fast! I can’t believe we’ve been married for ten months! One of the things I’ve enjoyed the most is cooking for Cameron. He enjoys all of the dishes I’ve made for him especially the Mexican food. One of his favorite dishes is caldo de pollo con arroz rojo (chicken soup with Spanish rice). I think Cameron is used to eating Mexican food every day; he even makes our salsa (roasting and pealing jalapeños and tomatoes)! My good friend Ana Laura says I’m “Mexicanizing” Cameron.

I think I’ve done more baking in the past ten months that I did when I was single! I’ve baked him cookies (snicker doodles, oatmeal cookies, and peanut butter cookies), cakes (chocolate cake with cream filling – this is Aunt Mary’s Sommer recipe and chocolate-flan cake), apple pie and other goodies (cinnamon rolls, cupcakes, zucchini bread, Amish bread and brownies).

I can’t take credit for knowing how to cook or bake, my mom deserves all the credit for teaching me. She also taught me to plan the meals ahead; this has saved us time and money whenever we go grocery shopping. Thanks mom!

Picture taken Dec 2005 (me, grandma, mom):


joyce said...

Please share the recipes for the chicken soup and flan.

Mom/Nancy/Granny/Mei Mei said...

Love the blog and keeping up with you two through great stories and pictures. You are doing a super job Caroline and I thank you!

Love, Mom Nancy