Friday, July 10, 2015

Girls with their Abuelos

My parents came for a visit for two weeks.  I usually wait to tell their girls exactly when their Abuelos are coming because otherwise I would never hear the end of it.  If you have young kids, you know exactly what I'm talking about...the girls would ask every day when their Abuelos were coming. 

We had a great visit with them.  My parents made the girls their favorite food, took them to the park, splash pad, ice cream, and of course shopping.  Emma was telling me that she doesn't want her Abuelos to leave.  When I asked her why she said that it is because her Abuela makes her "frijoles charros" (Mexican bean soup) and because she plays with them.  That was too sweet.  

Ana keeps saying she wants to go to Mexico.  I'm hoping we can do that later this year or next year.

**As I was getting ready to take these pictures, Ana fell and scraped her knee.  She didn't want to cooperate much, but there are a few shots that came out pretty good. Also, these pictures are unedited. Ha!**

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