Friday, June 29, 2012

Emma - Pool

Emma loves the water.  She loves taking showers and baths and of course jumping in the pool.  A couple of weeks ago we went to a birthday party and they set up their small pool for the kiddos.  Emma loved every minute of it.

Emma goofying around with her Dad:

We also have a small pool that Emma got for her birthday (thanks aunt Mary!).  We set it up every time it gets too hot.  The water is freezing cold but that doesn't stop Emma from jumping in.  Last time she decided to put her chair in it.

And this is what happens when Daddy is watching her! It was a little breezy that day, overcast and of course she wasn't even wearing her swim suit (not to mention she still had a runny nose).

Don't blame mom for her unmatching outfit; Emma HAS to wear pants at nap time and she chose to wear those pink stripped ones.  Of course she doesn't want to change back to shorts once she wakes up and that is one of those "pick your battles" moments that I chose to ignore.  Crazy kid!

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