Tuesday, July 14, 2009


After several attempts and failures to make our own bread (dinner rolls/bolillos), Cameron asked me to try a recipe that was found on Mother Earth News magazine called The Master Recipe: Boule. This recipe is definitely a keeper! I have to admit that it was so easy to make (especially because I used my Kitchen Aid mixer) and the taste is perfect!

We had it for dinner along with frijoles con chorizo. Delicious!


roxi said...

no manches carola.. jajajajaja .. u set the standard too high fir the rest of us woman!!!

Douglas Muro said...

Que risa Rox! Uno tiene que aprender a "sobrevivir" donde no venden comida Mexicana! Lo bueno es que ya puedo hacer pan blanco y tortillas de maiz. Pronto aprendere a hacer tortillas de harina y que me salgan redonditas!