Thursday, November 25, 2021
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Katie’s Bridal Shower
Katie will soon get married to Cameron’s cousin Evan and today we joined her in her bridal shower. It was held at The Kitchen in Columbus. We had to drive in the snow with very low visibility but it was worth it. All the decorations and games were really cute. This was the girls’ first bridal shower; they are little ladies.
First Snow in the Fall
Today we had our first snow of the season. Our backyard had a light dusting. Everything looked so pretty!
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Prairie Picnic - Homeschool
Last Tuesday we got together with a few families from our church that are also homeschooling and had a prairie style picnic. We dressed up and cooked food from the “olden days”. The girls loved every minute of it. Besides great food, there were activities and games for all the kids. They got to make butter, dolls from corn husks, tin punching, tic-tac-toe, sac races, weaving and of course playing school.
Monday, November 8, 2021
Building a chicken coop & run
Cameron and the girls are converting part of our existing shed into a chicken coop. The coop will have access to a run that is fully enclosed to keep them safe from predators. The girls love helping their dad with this type of project.
Ana’s First Gymnastics Meet
Last Saturday was Ana’s first gymnastics meet at our local YMCA. Ana has been doing gymnastics since she was three and she lives it. She was very excited for her first meet and it was a great experience.