Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine Bear

Emma got this cute bear and outfit from her Grammy Douglas as part of her Valentine present.

On a different note, she's still coughing and her nose is a little runny but I'm glad she's napping a lot better.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Big Girl / Silly Girl

Emma is starting to look more like a big girl and less like my baby (although, she'll always be my baby). Here is Emma wearing a new outfit courtesy of Grammy Douglas. I absolutely love those blue jean leggings!

Here's Emma just being silly; she was cracking herself up:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pots & Pans

I was trying to clean the kitchen but as you can see, my little helper gave me more work than I asked for. Maybe her love for pots and pans will transfer to the love for cooking?

Isn't that a stinker face?

Fighting a Cold at the Park

Emma has been fighting a cold for the past week. Unfortunately she hasn't been napping very good due to the runny nose and coughing but we can't complain, she sleeps at night without any problems.

Today her nap was so short that I was desperate! We took a long walk and ended up at the park. Good thing that the weather was gorgeous (high 50s) and we were able to enjoy our time at the park.

We met our neighbors and Emma was delighted to have someone familiar to play with: