Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Christmas Day
We spent the night at John & Nancy's house and we got up really early in the morning to open presents. Cameron was ready to open presents and I think Emma shared his enthusiasm. We were listening to Spike Jones Christmas record in an actual record player while opening presents (the record is over 40 years old).
One of Emma's gifts was her first doll! 
Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve we went down to Gramp's house for dinner. We had a great time and this year Gramp read us the Christmas story from the gospels of Matthew and Luke. I hope he continues to do this in years to come.
We all had gifts to open. A great gift each family got this year is a certified US Flag that was flown on a combat rescue mission in Afghanistan. The flag is folded and displayed in a beautiful wood and glass case. Ours is sitting on our mantle.
Here's Gramp opening his flag with Cameron and they are both reading the certificate from the US Air Force (the flag is on Gramp's lap):
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Livengood Visit
Last weekend our good friends from Texas drove by Ohio and we had a quick visit with them. It was great catching up with them and learning more about their misionary work down in Mexico. Last time we saw them was over two years ago. Their kids were little and Emma wasn't even born. Now Emma and Abby (4) seem to be good friends just like their mommies.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Luminaries and Christmas Tree
A couple of weeks ago we lit up our house with luminaries and in the evening we headed down to our park to see the lighting of the Christmas Tree.
Here's Emma helping Daddy fill up the luminaries with sand:
She took her job real serious:
It was very chilly that evening (low 20s) but we enjoyed a great time at the park with our neighbors, music, hot chocolate, popcorn and carriage rides.
Emma taking it all in:
Part of the local highschool playing Christmas carols:
The Christmas Tree at the park:
Another Stinker Face
There is never a dull moment with Emma and whenever she sees me with my camera (and she's in the mood for pictures), she tries to give me her best pose.
Here's Emma wearing her Santa hat while watching Christmas videos online and singing along with Daddy:

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Family Pictures
It is very hard to take family pictures especially when it involves a tripod and a very active 20 month old girl and no one behind the camera. So that's the reason why Emma looks so serious in the picture below, because there was no one behind the camera to make her laugh.
Emma, Daddy and Mommy:
She is still TOO serious!

But not for long! Daddy always makes Emma laugh:

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