Friday, July 29, 2011

New Walking Shoes

Grammy Douglas bought Emma new walking shoes. Emma thinks she's a big girl walking all over the place in her new shoes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Eating Nopales

My parents arrived from Mexico on Saturday and they brought lots of Mexican goodies. One of Cameron's requests from my parents was nopales (cacuts). This is not a dish that I prefer therefore I found it strange that Cameron was craving it. My mom prepared the dish for Saturday's dinner and it was very good.

Emma wanted to try the nopales and she didn't mind the red chile sauce. I never imagined that she would enjoy eating them so much!

Living Room - Before & After

Here are before and after pictures of our living room; we still need to hang the wall art but that is low priority for now.

I don't have a picture of this angle with the old carpet:

Old and new thermostat:

Bathroom - Before & After

Here are some before and after pictures of our bathroom.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunroom Demolition

Last weekend our friend Brian helped Cameron demolish the sunroom in the back of our house (which is not original to the house). We had to take it down because it had a lot of water damage. Cameron and Brian decided to take the sunroom down in pieces to make it safer and less damage to the rest of the house. After hard labor, they got the job done!

Here's the sunroom with the tree in the backyard:

Brian and Cameron preping for demolition:My job was to provide enough fluids, take pictures and watch Emma:Sunroom is gone and now we have a back patio:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hand-made Gift from Isabelle

Today Emma received a gift from her cousin Isabelle who lives in Germany. They've only seen each other through video calls and pictures. Isabelle made Emma a small pillow and engraved her initial on one side. For a 10 year old, I say Isabelle is developing really good crafty skills! Thank you Isabelle!

Emma carefully tearing the wrapping paper:

This was the first thing she did when she saw her hand-made pillow:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

16 Months

Happy 16 months Emma! We love you very much!

This picture was taken after eating pizza and cheesecake:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Five Years Ago Today

Five years ago today, Cameron and I met for the first time. We had no idea that we were right man and right woman for each other...the Lord had to orchestrate several factors for us to meet. And five years later, we move into our own house and enjoy life with our precious Emma.

I'll try to post some pictures of our house later; we've been very busy unpacking and making our house comfortable.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Puppy Eyes

Don't let those puppy eyes fool you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Stars and Stripes

Emma proudly waves her flag:

The tree is GONE!

The tree in our backyard is gone! It was a monstrosity that took six men and two days to remove.

Old tree - some branches were pushing against the roof of house and the garage):

I don't have any pictures without the entire tree down, but Cameron said it looks really nice and open in our backyard.

Stinker Face + Flowers

Grammy Douglas says this is Emma's "stinker face":

I wanted to take pictures of Emma in this ADORABLE outfit, so we went outside to Grammy's flowers.

She loves cutting flowers:

And smelling them:

Monday, July 4, 2011


Emma enjoys "flying" with Daddy: