We survived the first week!
Emma Carolina has brought so much joy to our lives and we are enjoying every moment of it. Ironically I’ve been sleeping a lot more now that Emma Carolina is here than when she was still in the womb.
I won’t go into details, but I was diagnosed with obstetric cholestasis and one of the side effects is severe itchiness and that kept me awake for long hours in the middle of the night. Because of this condition, Emma had to be delivered early (at 37 weeks). All of the ultrasounds showed that Emma was a small baby and that everything was working properly (placenta, enough amniotic fluid, and umbilical cord) so the doctor was very confident in delivering her a little early. We now that it was God’s perfect timing for her birth date and her pediatrician described her as “the picture of health”.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Her eyelashes are coming out:

Grammy Douglas changing her diaper - she has tiny feet:
Cameron has become an expert in wrapping her tight and changing her diapers:

Grammy Douglas burping Emma:

Bringing her home from the hospital:

The hospital has elderly volunteers that knit these little hats for all the newborns:
Sun bathing at the hospital:
A few hours after birth:

I had to include a picture of Atenas. Poor thing, she’s being neglected by me! Fortunately she has Grammy Douglas who has been taking her out for long walks.